I’m excited to announce that my Red Lotus series will officially relaunch at Hydra Publications, a publisher that specializes in science fiction and space opera titles and owned by long-time associate Tony Acree. The original ebooks and Commanding the Red Lotus paperback will be re-loaded onto the usual online retail outlets, with new novellas and collections to follow that continue the saga. Watch this space for announcements of dates and links as they become finalized. Continue reading “Red Lotus to Relaunch at Hydra”
I’m super-excited to announce the relaunch of the short-lived but popular Two Towers Talk Show, a YouTube program co-hosted by “Tower 1” colleague John F. Allen and me, Tower 2 R.J. Sullivan. In it, we talk about the array of geeky movies, TV, books, and more, with favorite nostalgia moments and interviews with creatives in the industry. Continue readingpc端如何上外网
Haunting Blue, my first published novel from 2010, is my second audio book release, and that release is now live. A Seventh Star Press and DarkWhimsy Books co-production, Haunting Blue puts Danielle Muething back in the narrator’s booth to repeat (and dare I say exceed) the amazing and dramatic performance similar to Haunting Obsession (Click here to order the Haunting Obsession audio book).
Click the link of your preferred format to order: Audible 电脑用什么梯子
Apple (not yet available)
Don’t care about audiobooks? Click here to go to the paperback and ebook page.
Check out this short YouTube Preview
A note to those who have already enjoyed the Haunting Obsession Audio Book: Continue reading “Haunting Blue Audio Book Now Live”
Last year I had a heck of a good time as a guest on the Facebook Live / Podcast The OSI Files, devoted to all things 手机能用的梯子免费 and The Bionic Woman. These two TV programs pioneered SF and superhero stories decades before it was practical. Both shows had a tremendous impact on little boy RJ, and I’m still an unabashed fan.
After my one-off appearance in December 2018, circumstances worked out a year later that I guest-starred three times in rapid succession in January and February 2025 (weellll…. rapid for me, though multi-shows-per-week host John S Drew may be having a good laugh at this comment). Now that those shows are out there, it’s time to recap and share all the Facebook Live links in a single easy-to-find blog post. Continue reading “RJ’s OSI Files Appearances, All Links”
As announced earlier, I’m excited to expand beyond the amazing first splash that is pc端如何上外网 narrating Haunting Obsession. (If you don’t know what I’m talking about, Click Here).
Now 求稳定的梯子 and my imprint DarkWhimsy Books have partnered to secure Danielle’s narration talents to bring the rest of the trilogy to audio! Danielle is already in the sound booth laying down tracks and voices for Haunting Blue, my first novel and the start of the paranormal adventures of punk girl Blue Shaefer and her boyfriend Chip Farren. Haunting Blue will likely be out on Audible and other popular audiobook options well before summer! Continue reading “Haunting Blue Audible Preview”
The Six Million Dollar Man and The Bionic Woman were among my favorite shows as a kid. Certainly, they were the most successful SF /Superhero shows in an era when SF and superheroes had very little success on TV (I still remember so many favorite shows disappearing after a season, one after the other, but I digress). So I was excited in December of 2018 to appear on the Facebook Live / Podcast program The OSI Files with co-hosts John S. Drew and Jerry Lange. Not only could I let my Bionic nerd flag fly, but also discuss my first ever TV star crush Farrah Fawcett (because I was a boy and it was 1976, and it was kind of the law).
I had a heck of a lot of fun. You can read all about my appearance and view it in full here.
The OSI Files have continued to air new episodes roughly in order of the original run. So now we’re coming back to the next Farrah appearance, so I’ve been invited back to discuss The Golden Pharaoh on…*screech*
Okay, hold that thought. Continue reading “RJ Cleared to View Three More of The OSI Files”
The details have been worked out and we are a go!
Last spring, my first-ever audiobook happened. It was a perfect-storm project where the ideal narrator submitted a random audition for a novella she deep-down wanted to land much more than she cared to admit at the time, whose reading blew away the anxious author who fretted that his vision be dramatized by a kindred spirit who “got it” (and knew that boy-howdy did she!). And they were backed by a supportive publisher making their first ventures into audiobook and who knew they had something special.
Steady sales and excellent reviews of有没有可伡电脑分享给手机的梯子_百度知道:最佳答案: 看你要分享什么东西了,一般文件视频音乐直接在电脑上面发到微信,手机里面就会自动同步,然后保存到手机就行了。比如我要把电脑里面一个视频放到手机,在电脑...更多关于手机电脑都能用的梯子的问题>> followed, (also, these promo videos, did you see these awesome videos?) so we’ve decided to finish the trilogy together!
…we’ve decided to finish the trilogy together!
Continue reading “Audiobook Trilogy to Go Forward”
Well, that turned into a working weekend, but I think the effort will prove well worth it. Drum roll please.
Announcing the new, improved, highly streamlined R.J. Sullivan Fiction Webstore , now up and live! Effective immediately, for anyone who orders books directly from me, the Webstore replaces the less efficient method that used to be seen here.
What this is: The new Webstore allows you to pick selections from my personal stock of books for personalized signatures and gift giving. Credit card transactions are handled through GooglePay and go directly to me. I personally will handle fulfilling orders.
pc可伡用的梯子 This is not the place to order ebooks, Amazon, Kindle, Kobo, Audible, or any non-paper format. For that, go to my book catalog and click on the cover of the book that interests you.
Improvements over the previous method
- Look, ma, an electronic shopping cart!
- Coupon deal options (check the product description to see what fits yours).
- Author exclusive product such as my Christmas Book and the 我的手机Google play不能正常使用,无法下载软件 - 华为 ...:2021-5-4 · 我的手机,出国后使用google play不能正常下载软件 我的手机Google play不能正常使用,无法下载软件 楼主,从国内网络切换到海外网络时,建议先开启飞行模式再关闭,然后重新尝试连接网络。 book
- A field for personalized signatures.
- Payment, postage, and label printing are all automated.
I’m looking forward to trying this new method just in time for the holidays. Hopefully, this new, streamlined Webstore will make personalized book mailings easier than ever!
Now click here to check it out!!
It was my pleasure to write the introduction to the first short story collection of the talented author and my good friend John F. Allen, released last month. I could tell you why, but I explain it in detail in the introduction. So without any further delay, here is the foreword in full.
I’m pleased and honored to write the foreword in this collection, though also a bit intimidated. For many of you readers, this may be your introduction to the imaginative world of John F. Allen, and introducing you to that is quite a task to take on in a few hundred words. John and I have been through a lot together in the last half decade or so, both as storytellers trading and refining ideas, and as independent authors trying to launch our respective careers and take over the world one book at a time. We have bonded like brothers and have frequently feuded in the same manner. But ultimately it is our love and admiration for each other that keep us together on the journey. I think there’s a 70s song by Captain and Tennille that fits here (Google it, kids).
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Continue reading “R.J. Introduces John F. Allen’s The Best is Yet to Come”
New Videos To Support Haunting Obsession Audiobook
If you missed the Haunting Obsession Halloween Party on Facebook on October 21, you missed out on a lot of fun. We gave away a lot of FREE download codes for the new Haunting Obsession Audible Audiobook and other prizes, and premiered my new Haunting Obsession Elegant Paperdolls book, available at an event near you in 2025.
But we also premiered two new YouTube videos in support of… all of the above, but which mainly showcase the talents of my fabulous audiobook narrator and her hitherto hidden paperdoll performance talents. pc端电脑梯子 not only created these videos and props herself, but she did so within hours of the event.
So here you go! First, enjoy Danielle performing as Paperdoll Maxine Marie singing “I Wanna Be Loved By You.”
Next, Danielle took both paperdolls, built some sets, and created something new. It’s… well, you’ll see.
If you love this, you’ll love how Danielle narrates my sexy ghost story Haunting Obsession and you should 急!!!有电脑可伡用的梯,,子, 吗:2021年5月21日 - 急!!!有电脑可伡用的梯,,子, 吗 来自: 西西里 2021-05-21 16:31:50 ...express 就是小贵 但可伡手机电脑一个账号 四季奶青珍波椰 我看看 回应 赞 ....
If you’re not an Audible type person but still want to order the paperback or ebook, click here!